Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hell's Half Hour

A special half-hour presentation of Anime Hell is set to occur next Friday July 24 at 11pm Eastern on Anime North's Twitch channel as part of their virtual Anime North program "Momiji's Online Experience"! 

Also part of the event is my presentation on Japanese animation of 1980, and a look back at 23 years of Anime North! 

See you at next week!

-Dave Merrill

Monday, May 25, 2020

streaming afterword

hey gang, this is Dave, I just wanted to drop in and again say a big THANK YOU to everybody who dropped in to have a spankin' good time watching Anime Hell last Friday here at the facebooks! I was using OBS to stream the videos to Facebook, it's my first time doing this kind of thing and I appreciate everybody putting up with my ineptitude. I am probably going to re-run the set over at Twitch or some similar platform in a few weeks, so if you didn't get to catch it on Friday, don't fret. I'm hoping sooner rather than later we'll have this COVID-19 licked enough so that we can once again congregate in large groups and watch goofy videos together.

In the mean time, here are some links to some of the things I mentioned during last Friday's show -

You can enjoy 13 years worth of me digging through classic Japanese animation over at my blog Let's Anime!

every week Shaindle Minuk and myself make fun of Stupid Comics over at Mister Kitty dot Org! It's also the home of lots of our original comics and various bits of this and that. Also there are links to the WWII comic I mentioned!

coming up in July is Anime North's MOMIJI ONLINE EXPERIENCE and you can find out more about it at Anime North's website! Also remember, Anime North is May 28-30, 2021!

as always, you can message me here, you can email me directly at, and you can bother me on Twitter where I am @terebifunhouse!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020


we can't have Anime Hell at Anime North, because they've locked the doors at the TCC and will arrest us for trespassing, so we're having it online instead

Thursday, April 02, 2020

cancel con culture

Right now we're in the midst of COVID-19 smacking civilization around and generally having its way with us, and that means economic disaster, stressed healthcare services, and the grim reality of daily rising casualty lists. On a smaller scale this means that Japanese animation conventions are getting canceled right and left.

Anime Central in Chicago was supposed to be happening May 15-17; it's been pushed to 2021. Anime North in Toronto was originally scheduled May 22-24, and has also been moved to May of next year.  These two shows are longtime Anime Hell hosts, and obviously if the convention's not happening, then sadly, those Anime Hells aren't happening either.  Project A-Kon, the host of Otaku Hell, has also been postponed until 2021.

We're all hoping that we get through this sooner rather than later, and once the dust settles we'll get back to amusing audiences the way we've always done. In the meantime we are investigating the possibility of doing some sort of streaming Hell show over the internets, so please stay tuned to this blog or the Anime Hell event page on Facebook for updates!

Stay safe out there everybody. Wash your hands, wear a mask, stay home.

-Dave M

Monday, February 03, 2020

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Anime Hell Presents That 70s Show

Mark your calendars for February's BIG HELL EVENT, it's an all 1970s anime extravaganza starring plucky schoolgirls, devil-men, super robots, and the slipperiest thief in the whole world! All with in Japanese with English subtitles! All happening Feb. 22 at Eyesore Cinema! Doors open at 7:30, show starts at 8, only $5!

Thursday, January 09, 2020

ohayo ohayocon 2020 anime hell

hey Ohio Ohayocon peeps, peep your peepers to Anime Hell at Ohayocon brought to you by Jeff Tatarek and Ryan Gavigan, happening Saturday Jan. 11 at 11pm, Panel 3 in the Hyatt Regency!