Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Welcome to AnimeHELL!

I'm gonna make this the new homepage for animehell.org, and we'll post news, commentary and new AV Geekery here. If you're interested in joining this blog send an e-mail to tohoscope at gmail.com!


  1. Yo where are all the AMVs or is this just another Rip off site trying to make the real anthers of AnimeHell buy the damn domain???

  2. The AMVs are at some site that is about anime music videos. Anime Hell isn't about anime music videos. If you're looking for "Anime Music Video Hell", you are in the wrong place.

    We've been doing Anime Hell for fifteen years. We ARE the real authors of Anime Hell. Accept no substitutes.

  3. I think you meant we are the real antlers of Anime Hell.
