Sunday, November 07, 2004


On November 19th I'm packing my car and making a run for the border! I'll be in Cincinnati that weekend for SUGOICON and one of the most enthusiastic HELL audiences in con-dom. All the stuff I didn't get to show at AWA because of my idiocy involving tape speeds will be FIXED and ON THE SCREEN, and that includes lots of crazy religious ranting, fake Heino, more movie trailers, and other weirdness gleaned from my Canadian sources. Of course I'll be running other new stuff - some that premiered at AWA and other new stuff I didn't even get a chance to glance at then. Also some old favorites will be making a reappearance as per request. SUGOICON is a swell show and the staff and attendees "got" the Hell Concept from the get-go, so you can be assured of a wild and wacky three hour set in Cincy. I don't exactly know what time I'll be starting, so check your local listings for time and station.

Apparently they have one event room dedicated to their rock and roll band acts, so that means I will NOT have to follow SWEK's act, and for that I am grateful.

I'll be manning my artists alley table on Saturday so be sure and drop by and purchase your very own copy of DRUNK TANK, the amazing comic sensation that's the toast of two nations. Plus other anime junk for sale.


  1. Cool beans! How much new stuff have you got to show? Have you watched all the JAPAN-A-RAMA tapes?

  2. I've got two tapes worth of stuff I taped here that were screwed up and couldn't run at AWA, but they're fixed now. This includes Rappin' Heino.

    I've gone through the Japan-A-Rama tapes and I'm going to be using a lot of that material, as well.

  3. I must say, after reading this blog, I have no desire to ever go to an anime con again if it they feature assholes like yourself.

  4. (To Anon) You wouldn't happen to be friends of SWEK would you? I hope so because otherwise that comment doesn't make any sense. As it is it only barely makes sense.


  5. Definitely stay home if assholes such as ourselves would in any way interfere with your enjoyment of an anime con. Assholes like us manage to fill the main event rooms at cons across the country with nothing more than crazy videotape, and if you don't like it, don't look at it.

    Or, continue to whine anonymously, you big coward.

  6. Hey Dave,
    My Name's Dale, (gtrs from SWEK) and I just wanted to say Hi! I know you don't particularly care for us, but I like what you do. Some ppl aren't used to getting ripped to shreds by a critic, but I totally appreciate what you got to say, I just wish it didn't make you so angry, and for that I personally apologize. Honestly, I heard about your blog a while back, but never had a chance to read it. We've got good reviews and bad one's as SWEK, and you may have seen the Dark Ritual tee's I'm always wearing - well that band got some great reviews from here in chicago to the UK, but we weren't invincible. BWBK wrote a review about us that I wasn't allowed to read. Anyway, I hope we can all kinda get past it all. Did we delay you this year? If we did I apologize, and will try harder next time we meet. I just like to play, and make a few people smile, same as you. But if you would send me a 3-4 sentance summary of how much you dislike my band, I'll hang it up in my basement. I only hang up the bad reviews. They keep me motivated. Thanks again, and sorry for pissing you off so much. See you in Hell ;)
