Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Clip of the Month Redux - Bring Me the Head of Charlie Brown

It's back. The video clip that brought down twice is back for your amusment. Go to Prodigem Hosting for the tracker info.


  1. Glad to see it again. Hopefully you won't be swamped this time though the alternate option.

  2. We still get alot of traffic from people looking to download BRING ME THE HEAD OF CHARLIE BROWN. This seemed like a good solution, for now. I'm looking at upgrading the Prodigem account if this is successful. So far only 7 people have downloaded the clip...

  3. Interesting to hear that only seven downloaded so far. I guess people won't be too happy unless they get a full-rese MPEG-2 edition of this perhaps (or a 640 x 480 DivX/XviD) perhaps, but that would be going TOO far.

  4. Unforttunately my copy of BMTHOCB is from Nth generation VHS, and you can see that the signal to noise ratio is starting to show. I could post the MPEG2 but I don't think the quality of the video gets much better.

    I guess I need to learn how to do video restoration, or maybe contact Jim Reardon for a better copy?

  5. WMV version posted at:

  6. Thanks for the one link.

    Still, it's the best we'll ever get of th is film, and Mr. Reardon would probably want to forget much about it these days (assuming he understands it's being bootleged and screened in these venues).

    Still impresses me at times to think of the kind of work these guys would do in college, only to get confined to working on other people's work once they get out and into studios.

    If I ever get into animation, I'd like to initiate what I call the "Bronze Age" of animation, that is, animation that that doesn't involve Hollywood, or the general distrubtion channels, as I like to go digital and see works coming out of anywhere else in the US than just a few key cities. Rather see works come out of my town these days thanks to advances in what digital technology can do.
