Friday, September 08, 2006

Corn Pone Flick's PALE BLUE DOT

Enjoy the sequel to DEEP BROWN SWAMP. The Crocodile Hunter would.


  1. Just noticed the new layout of the blog! At least it doesn't have to be as orangy orange as before! :-)

  2. I broke the old layout and decided it was time to try something new. I think it works....for now.

  3. I think so too. The orange often distracted me a little!

  4. I've been thinking about going for a Hellfirey red...

  5. I think red and yellow would be perfect (the usual "warm" colors I often associate myself in positive moods, otherwise it's the cool blue and green).

  6. Just being reminded of it, I wonder if the recent passing of a little-known man from down under puts a hinder on this and "Deep Brown Swamp" in later showings? Don't really care either way, but there had to be a Barbara Walters interview with his wife they had on tonight. :-)
