Friday, May 18, 2007

Lather's Blather: the Super-Hyper-Mega-Podcast

Lather's Blather: the Super-Hyper-Mega-Podcast
The legendary Rich Lather, a.k.a. Jeff Tatarek, has thrown his hat into the Podcast ring. Jeff is best know around these parts as a collaborator of AnimeHELL, Midnight Madness and Corn Pone Flicks. Which makes him overqualified and over experienced as a podcaster.

Discussion on anime, science-fiction movies and television, plus other elements of High Geek Culture, as dispensed by an ornery 35-year-old fanboy veteran. This is the show that's a slave to no one, although we're willing to do some chores for many of them.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely enjoyed the first episode, and in terms of actual content, definitely top notch. Thru all my many years of fannish-ness in erms of SF and anime, i've never actually gotten around to seeing Westworld, and now i definitely feel like i need to check it out.
