Friday, July 18, 2008

Corn Pone Flicks Reviews The Dark Knight

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Matt went to see THE DARK KNIGHT and lives to tell about it.


  1. At least he enjoys the film. I probably won't got to it based on the mentioning of this not being a 'popcorn film', and the terrorist/9-11 slant has gotten too old for me to bother with (the new buzzword of the day "skyrocketing gas prices" already seems to have catched my attention to the point I want to know when will a second Energy Crisis hit?).

  2. My Batman preference aside, this is truly a great film. It fixed almost every problem with the first movie and made things 10x better. It definitely exceeds the title of superhero film.

  3. Hello!! I found a new TOP 10 list on the internet with videos of the "10 best anime movies and series OF ALL THE TIME" and i wanted to share with you! The best thing it that we can watch each one of them. I´m totally crazy about anime and i thought it amazing BUT i don´t agree with the first position. Check it out and tell me what you think.
