Friday, October 30, 2009

Jack & The Witch on the idiot box in time for Halloween!

I interrupt this blogcast for an important message!

It appears This TV, a digital terrestrial network available as a sub-channel on many stations across the country, will be airing the 1967 Toei classic "Jack & The Witch" this Halloween morning at 8AM EST. You owe it to yourself and your fellow man by watching/taping this masterpiece or it's too late! And if anyone wants to help out a fellow man who doesn't have this channel at all, feel free to ask! :-)

Check local listings for station availability.
  • KTLA ch. 5.1 Los Angeles
  • WCIU-TV ch. 26.4 Chicago
  • WPHL-TV ch. 17.2 Philadelphia
  • WFAA ch. 8.3 Dallas/Ft. Worth
  • WHDH-TV ch. 7.2 Boston
  • WNEG-TV ch. 32.1 Toccoa (Atlanta)
  • WDCW ch. 50.2 Washington, D.C.
  • KPRC-TV ch. 2.2 Houston
  • WDIV-TV ch. 4.2 Detroit
  • KTVK ch. 3.2 Phoenix
  • KOMO-TV ch. 4.2 Seattle
  • WMOR-TV ch. 32.2 Tampa/St. Petersburg
  • WUAB-TV ch. 43.2 Lorain/Cleveland
  • WKCF ch. 18.2 Orlando
  • KQCA-TV ch. 58.2 Sacramento


  1. Now THAT is one hell of a Halloween treat. Thanks! I'll be warming up the VCR for Saturday morning.

  2. See, even Mister Kitty is baffled!

    What's next, The Little Norse Prince in time for Thanksgiving? :-)

    I'm still pissed I don't get this channel yet myself, or I'd be straining my HD just to record the sucker from whatever antenna source I've got. I hardly can pick up the Detroit stations at all from my indoor antenna much. Hopefully someone'll bail me out (or stick this online someplace since I hope that'll happen).

  3. That "Mister Kitty" was actually me, Dave, logged into the Mister Kitty gmail account. Great find, Chris! They need more of these kind pils, "bob".

  4. d. merrill said...
    That "Mister Kitty" was actually me, Dave, logged into the Mister Kitty gmail account.

    I knew it was you Dave, but I was making a joke anyway all in spite of the situation.

    Great find, Chris! They need more of these kind pils, "bob".
    A fellow YouTuber had to tell me first (who apparently I don't know all that well myself, but was thankful he remembered me when he cross-post the message to several other users on YT).

    I'm not getting high hopes on how it'll look, and figured they'll probably dig out a pan & scan copy while they're at it. Best we'll have is perhaps a decent copy of the soundtrack if someone wants to take a crack at authoring a DVD of that film again I once downloaded off a private tracker.

  5. Wow, this is indeed an Holloween treat. Tis a pity I dont get this channel here. If anyone has the recorded I would really appreciate it if you could rip it and share it. All I have is a pretty lousy rip from an old VHS that I used to own once.

  6. @chris: I have an R2 DVD that I downloaded from a tracker but I'm still holding hope that the uploader is still subbing it since the last I heard that was his plan.

  7. thatoneman said...
    Wow, this is indeed an Holloween treat. Tis a pity I dont get this channel here.

    Best I did was hook up the antenna that has been nailed to the northwest side of my room for decades to see if I can even get the Detroit station at all and it failed (despite other Detroit stations coming in decent). The problem with these subchannels is that they tend to rob bandwidth from the main HD channels on a given station frequency. It's a blessing and curse that it's this way, but I guess quantity over quality wins everytime.

    If anyone has the recorded I would really appreciate it if you could rip it and share it. All I have is a pretty lousy rip from an old VHS that I used to own once.

    Lord knows it's due for an upgrade.

    @chris: I have an R2 DVD that I downloaded from a tracker but I'm still holding hope that the uploader is still subbing it since the last I heard that was his plan.

    I know of that DVD already since the guy who stuck it up had the English audio included as well. The only problem is that there's an 8 minute gap of silence during the film as the recording used for the audio was cut at that moment. Someone uploaded that film to YouTube already with the same problem. What I wanted was a decent copy of this broadcast so I'll have the audio handy if I attempt it myself. A pal I know elsewhere said he was making a copy of it for me anyway but I still have to see how to came out.

  8. I tried, but was unable to pick up the digital signal. We can only hope somebody recorded it and posted it online somewhere.

  9. Tohoscope said...
    I tried, but was unable to pick up the digital signal. We can only hope somebody recorded it and posted it online somewhere.

    Well I know someone else who has recorded it, and might get a copy send me to me ASAP!

    At least you tried. There's another guy I know who tried recording that by setting his machine to get it I guess while he was asleep or such, but he ended up taking 2 hours of infomercials, apparently his local station bothered sticking that up instead of what This TV had on instead.

  10. Talk about tough luck.

    Anyway its good that someone has it. Now we might be able to patch up the missing 8 minutes. Plus for all we know the quality could be even better than expected since but I don't have high hopes for that.

  11. I just ordered a new antenna. If that doesn't do it I'm gonna build one of those DIY coat hanger antennas.

    Because the odds are they'll rerun Jack and The Witch someday, and I'm gonna be ready for it!

  12. Tohoscope said...
    I just ordered a new antenna. If that doesn't do it I'm gonna build one of those DIY coat hanger antennas.

    In most cases, what would be the perfect thing to get is a Channel Master tower with a rotary dial so you can turn the antenna around 360 to whatever area you wish to pick the station up from. My grandmothers had those types.

    Hmmm, haven't given a coat hanger antenna much thought yet.

    Because the odds are they'll rerun Jack and The Witch someday, and I'm gonna be ready for it!

    As long as we keep checking out the listings. Perhaps by then a station in my town will add that to their bandwidth locally. My NBC affiliate had every opportunity to get it, but they chose sucky America One (though they also have RTV).

  13. I've got friends who've made this one and report better results then their store bought DTV antenna.

    The listings for some of these new sub channels read like classic UHF. And makes me more and more motivated to try to get a recording rig up and running. Another trip to Radio Shack is in the works.

  14. I've got friends who've made this one and report better results then their store bought DTV antenna.

    That's pretty cool. Too bad I haven't done anything like that in years or I'd try to build something like that as well (though I'd probably end up trying to make a bigger rig I could put outside if possible).

    The listings for some of these new sub channels read like classic UHF.

    It seems like it doesn't it.

    And makes me more and more motivated to try to get a recording rig up and running. Another trip to Radio Shack is in the works.

    Perhaps "Save Free TV" isn't a pipedream after all!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. @Dave, Chris and Tohoscope,

    Hey, just wanted to say thanks for this posting. I wanted to let you know that even though I can't provide anything as far as the english dub of Jack and the Witch, I can provide the original jap audio version with english subs. Just let me know if your interested.

    Thanks again for the blog - you guys are awesome.
