Thursday, June 23, 2011

Japanese TV, then and now

Very educational!

There's a sign-off in this batch that makes you think someone just died and is descending to Heaven!


  1. We now end our broadcast day...cue air force jets and marching band playing national anthem....

    That is just too cool.

    -danno, signing off for today.

  2. Let's just say they give you more than the call letters of their Satellite-to-Transmitter link!

    One thing about Japanese TV I noticed, and how network operators are done, it feels a bit different from what we're use to in the US, but at the same time, more like how American TV was probably like in the late 40's/early 50's when station promotion and ID'ing was still more localized with not as much catering to network demands. Most stations in Japan, while they may be affiliated with a network out of Tokyo, still tend to use local identities through such call letter assignments and often their programming differs from the main network as it seems like stuff is on delay or bicycled. It certainly seems confusing if you were more use to the Tokyo stations and expected the same line-up elsewhere in the country.

  3. Ooops, missed a few more!

    Really, if they ever discover the need for late night infomercials, it would be the end of all this!

  4. Thinking about it some more, the only channel to do the national anthem in Japan for their sign-off/on sequences is the NHK, the regular commercial stations don't do that apparently.
