Monday, October 10, 2011

The Fat Albert Halloween Special (1977)

I like that Mushmouth's costume was a cell-phone. Very prescient, these kids.

Mudfoot actually has some points about Halloween safety that you should all pay attention to.

Also, Devery should run for public office.

Wow, old people in the hood have a lot of disposable income for candy and soda. EAT THE RICH!


  1. Reminded someone once stuck up a version of this special on eBay that came with it's original ad breaks (either from '77 or close to there). I miss when Halloween meant getting things like these on CBS!

  2. I was looking at some off air TV I'd recorded to VCD from 10 years ago and thinking I needed to post the commercials. I really need to start converting some of those old tapes just for the commercials.

  3. Ugh. I wonder what the budget on this special was. Filmation's mark of quality. owtch.

  4. Someone who once worked at Filmation in the late 60's said that the only people that really ever got to draw there were the layout guys. The regular animators simply kept going to the xerox machine and cut out the heads and re-drew the mouths or other small details all the time since they didn't have the time to actually animate any of it.

  5. Yeah pretty much. Aside from that handicap, it was apparently REALLY easy to get a job at Filmation during those days apparently.

  6. Of course then you get the younger guys like John Kricfalusi or Eddie Fitzgerald coming in and wanting to do the really zany stuff early on which often lead to bitter arguments and hatred from the older guard such as this scene....
