Sunday, December 25, 2011

Leftover Christmas Tripe!


When someone thought The Little Rascals needed a yuletide turd of a special!

One bad special deserves another!

This one wasn't that bad I thought (though a pal I know would think otherwise since he worked on it)...

And who could forget this classic annual event in the annuls of television...

Fifteen years back, the only way to ever see this was if you knew someone with a nth-gen copy thereof which will still look like crap on your end, or a 15 meg Quicktime file you'd have to wait a good half-hour or more to download on a slow modem connection, but it was worth ever second!

It's a shame I grew up in a different town not picked for an unsuspecting yet overblown classic as this movie.

And because Cleveland history intrigues me at the moment...

Too bad it's not enough to save Higbee's.

Here's what they forget!

And now for something completely different...

I don't have anything else, wait, here's something...

Hope you had a Merry Christmas and looking forward to another dreaded year.

Wait, I forgot him!


  1. There's certainly some Higbee's/Hills/Heino love here, and a splash of ingenuity from our lovely BBC VT engineers!
