Ergh. I've got the original so embedded in my head that all this feels a little off, a little not right. It looks on model, but it doesn't move right. I've found the uncanny valley of nostalgia.
I can tell they're doing the 3D posing as 2D look here. This means they're not drawing every frame individually but just moving 'puppets' around! I suppose for what it's worth, it's nice they bother getting it off at all than leaving it a dead entity for decades.
Ergh. I've got the original so embedded in my head that all this feels a little off, a little not right. It looks on model, but it doesn't move right. I've found the uncanny valley of nostalgia.
ReplyDeleteBut it's cool to hear the theme song in French.
I can tell they're doing the 3D posing as 2D look here. This means they're not drawing every frame individually but just moving 'puppets' around! I suppose for what it's worth, it's nice they bother getting it off at all than leaving it a dead entity for decades.
ReplyDeleteAhah thanks for the post !
ReplyDeleteAnd if someone want to listen the french version of the original :