Friday, August 10, 2012

Barbara's New Shoes 1955


  1. Of course when I bother getting shoes these days (and some stores never use those rulers to measure with anymore), I end up simply trying them on and see if they fit at all and often it comes down to what's available and what I may have to put up with (ranging from 10' 1/2 wide to 12').

  2. I take a shoe and hold it up to the bottom of the shoe I'm wearing. If It's the same size It usually fits.

  3. It's a bit tricky for me often because the outside of the show may not reflect the interiors itself as my feet tend to be rather a little wide for normal shoes. I really need to go see a food doctor someday to determine the shape of my feet if it came to that, but so far, I usually manage with ones that are simply black and have non-slip soles so there's better traction.

  4. Whoooo! Brannock device! Whooo!
