Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Nightmare Cafe (1992)

Yep, we're all about short-lived series over here. Nightmare Cafe is just one of them.

I'v echecked to see if you can get this on DVD, and it looks like it came out once but has since gone out of print. No luck renting that, then! However, if you can stand to watch them in 5-minute bursts, it's on YouTube. I'm not posting links; I'm just letting you know it's out there.

What's really remarkable about the show, besides its short run of five+pilot, is the amazing amount of talent that worked on the show. Having gone through a couple episodes, I don't know why it was cancelled.

Now, a story!


This happened to a friend of mine who was working a convention. She was in the middle of breaking down her booth when she saw Robert Englund walking by and mentioned to him that she'd seen Nightmare Cafe and enjoyed it very much. He put his arm around her and offered to buy her a drink. She had to turn him down because she was breaking down her booth.


1 comment:

  1. I used to love this, albeit for the short time it aired. Would have loved to have seen it go on.

    And your friend, frankly, is a dope.
