I always wondered what he was singing.
Well, here we are, after 15 years with Anime Fest and we had A FANTASTIC SHOW.
We did have a little confusion on the announcement, however:
Comment I just left: "Cincoanera?
Did you by chance mean quinceañera?
The latter is a party for a girl who’s turning fifteen...
— Emma Álvarez Gibson (@ealvarezgibson) September 3, 2015
"...the former is not an actual thing, but references someone having five anuses. Might want to fix that. Ugh."As long as it picks up after itself, it's welcome to the show.
We had tiaras this year, and all our Camy walkers got one. A couple of our Hard Gay posers got tiaras as well and they earned them.
Danno gave a lovely speech about how the show started and the history of Anime Hell at A-Fest. Katie gave a...speech bout underage drinking. I didn't give a speech about anything as I was too busy dicking with my hair.
Katie had made a Hard Gay pinata and that was given away as a prize near the end of the night. The lucky fellow who won it (a fellow doctor, I might add) let us know this was his first Anime Hell. I'm sure he'll be back.
One surprise from the night was Danno's copy of When I See an Elephant Fly (I didn't know he had a copy!). Kris took a little time to clear up the controversy about the segment, so we're still an edutainment panel. We're always out to push a button and see what lights up.
All in all, a great show and a great audience, as always. You are always why we do this. Hopefully, we'll be able to post stuff on the blog more regularly once everyone's work schedules settle.
I have to admit. I shut down the show when I did because it was so frickin' cold in the room. My hands were going numb. Next time I'm bringing a sweatshirt and gloves.