Friday, June 19, 2009

Bonus Track: Tiger Mask

bonus track
The Tiger Mask
Over at 2000 Things you can download both sides of this Disco-rific Tiger Mask picture disc.

Bonus cut: Tiger Mask Theme Song: Yuke! Tiger Mask

Yuke! Tiger Mask

shiroi MATTO no JANGURU ni
kyou mo arashi ga fukiareru
RUURU muyou no akutou ni
seigi no PANCHI o buchikamase
yuke yuke TAIGAA (TAIGAA)

kusa mo ki mo nai JANGURU ni
shi o yobu wana ga matte iru
FEA PUREE de kirinukete
otoko no konjou misete yare
yuke yuke TAIGAA (TAIGAA)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Duck you suckers

Nutziland Part One
Nutziland Part Two
Here's to Donald Duck, who turned 75 yesterday. Happy Birthday, Duck!

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Toku Hell: Youmacon Daikessen COMING SOON!

The Powers That Be have allowed me the last Toku Hell panel of the year at Youmacon '09. From October 29th to November 1st, Youmacon will be in Dearborn, MI and feature yours truly (and hopefully Will) for a special three-hour block on Saturday night. More details once the scheduling gets hammered out but until then, Stand By For Action!

Monday, June 01, 2009