HELL was an incredible success at A-Kon. In fact it has become too successful.
Sometime during the first hour we were interrupted by security. The Fire Marshall was on site and we had filled the panel room to over capacity. We brought the show to a complete stop and had to have anybody who didn't have a seat to leave, clearing the hundred or so folks who lined the walls and sat on the floor. It's painfully obvious at this point that HELL has out grown the A-Kon panel rooms. I hope to have HELL moved into a larger room with a larger screen at next year's A-Kon.
If you'd like to see HELL at A-Kon without having to break the law or put yourself at risk of being trampled and/or burned to death please send and e-mail to A-Kon or post a note on the A-Kon forums and tell them you don't want to be kicked out of HELL again!
Despite living dangerously and tempting death we had a good time. And except for the loss of a portable DVD player early in the evening we had few technical issues. A big thanks has to go to the A-Kon AV tech who ran the sound boards for the show. I wish I'd gotten his name, he was a real trooper. Thanks also goes out to Bruce Lewis, Joshua Roberts and HELL Nurse Katie for doing that thing they do. I couldn't do any of this without you guys. Michael Tatum came down with a cold and was sorely missed by all those who attended. Wish you'd been there, Michael.
The HELLraffle this year was six JuiceBOX Personal Media Players perfect for watching Sponge Bob or Hillary Duff on. Congratulations to all the winners of the HELLraffle! I've misplaced the list of winners so I won't be humiliating any of them in this post.
There were many memorable moments of Friday night's OtakuHELL, but the highlight of the show for me had to be when HELL Nurse Katie threw panties to the crowd. Seriously, nothing could top that. I wish I had pictures of that.
And always remember: our glorious HELL Nurse Katie will give you candy!
Mundee just pointed out to me that we over filled the room while programed against the friday night J-Pop concert with Ketchup Mania and MELL. Puts the whole ordeal into a brand new perspective for me. Unfortunately the only room bigger then the one they put me in is the Main Ballroom. No chance of getting that.
ee It was so much fun <3 I SQUEAL SO MUCH at the attendance! Everyone was so awesome, and they were really nice about getting kicked out, no riots or anything! Boo at the boy who ripped that pair of panties out of my hand!!~~~ Party pooper! Yay winners! Yay Candy but most of all YAY HELL! <3
That room rocked so much.
I'm the guy in the red dress who won the gay off. Hell yeah!
I suggest you guys try to get the Austin Ballroom thing where Hentaifest was.
Gotta get that screen up higher next year, can barely see it a few rows back!
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