Last year, I didn't bring the proper cable so the entire panel was in black and white due to my stubborn insistence of not using the VGA computer cable on account of having had bad luck with it in the past. This year, I had the proper S-Video to composite adapter, but compared to VGA it looked a bit blurry. Maybe it was the projector itself, which seemed to be set up such that the color red would just bleed a whole lot. Provided that the laptop is the only input device in use and I'm not switching to another VCR or DVD player, perhaps I should consider giving the VGA cable another shot.
Not that any of that boring tech stuff mattered since this was the BEST PANEL OF DOOM! EVER. Following a well-known expose regarding the threat of the Internet terrorist group "Anonymous" blowing up school buses, the proceedings kicked off with a Japanese commercial for Mandom (cologne?) featuring Charles Bronson prancing around shirtless. And firing pistols. I know a thing or two about firing pistols, but this year marked the debut of the Clown Submachinegun:
A full playlist will be posted somewhere soon, but for now, the part that everyone is waiting for:
I need one of those...
This would be perfect to show as one of the videos at animehell.
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