photo by makelessnoise
Over twenty years ago The Eagle's Nest released this tape warning us of,"another attack on our society." Our host Gary asks us, "If I say something like wicked witches and demon clouds and spell books and even the zone of eternal evil, what comes to mind?" Then Gary cuts to a clip from The 13 Ghosts of Scooby-Doo. Oh yeah, Scrappy-Doo is a tool of Satan.
Gary is joined by his pal Phil who tell us that, "80% of all cartoons deal directly with the occult, and 40% of the toys on the market have occultic influences." And Phil has brought along all his action figures and playsets and even some frosted sugar bomb breakfast cereal. Which, as everyone knows, is the best way to watch cartoons. Here's Gary playing with the Masters of the Universe Snake Mountain playset:
Is it just me or does Gary remind you of a certain 70s porn star?
Gary and Phil show us toys and clips from Thundercats, Transformers, G.I.Joe, Voltron, She-Ra and The Care Bears and tell us that they are filled with occult references and images. Is there some sinister conspiracy at work here? Just the conspiracy of Joseph Campbell. Pretty much everything they call "occultic" is the same mythic archetype/monomyth stuff popularized by George Lucas and anybody else with a dogeared copy of Hero of a Thousand Faces. But don't tell that to Gary and Phil, then they'd have to find another excuse to play with their action figures. Follow your bliss, kids!
Link to the download:
Deception of a Generation
Thanks Danno!
Kinda wanted to see more of it after seeing some sample clips elsewhere (what with the Skull Mountain playset getting hogged, I never had cool stuff like that growing up outside the figures), also to hear more about how the Care Bears are linked to the Occult!
Cool VHS Hell pic as well, that's probably a good estimation of what I used to had crapped up in my bedroom! It's now being replaced with spindle after spindle of DVD's, animation artwork and film reels. :-)
As I was re-watching this tape I wondered what happened to all those toys. They're collector items now.
Tohoscope said...
As I was re-watching this tape I wondered what happened to all those toys. They're collector items now.
Really, just showing those ads was proof these guys are teasing us for not having kept those in the first place! Though that Cookie Crisp cereal was a nice trip back for me, though I had never tasted that until a short time ago, I don't think I ever begged my mom for that one!
I hate these people! They're preventing children from being children! Noticing how this tape is made, I get the impression these are 3 or 4 episodes of some program some indie station would pick up on to fill their religion quota on the weekends (noticing how they keep reminding us what they are every 23 minutes or so). I get the impression all they did was watch a day's worth of syndicated toonage on some UHF station, then tape the Saturday morning crap, then followed up by a browse through the toy department at Kmart just to prove their findings. It doesn't help when I can tell what they're making a big deal of just to win over unsuspecting parents (like the "Lost Children" episode of Dungeons & Dragons I've seen ad nausem from my own copy of the CBS Saturday morning toons of '84 that's been all over the web now, thanks to me.
- Never heard of "Golden Girl" before, but I guess that was a dub before it started.
-Of course these guys aren't obvious too aware of certain details that any 80's cartoon junkie would get on their case about. It's Eternia not ETHernia; Care Bears was created by American Greetings, not Hallmark; and "My Pony" sounds like a cheapo knock-off my mom would have bought my sis instead of the real thing (course getting Voltron confused with Transformers doesn't win any points)! The guys at "cereal:geek" would be all over this one!
Funny that guy's so up on the Smurfs being on when Bugs Bunny/Road Runner like it was a big deal (since I had watched both at the tender age of 4), technically the Smurfs do not have black lips, of course I don't fault their observation from a cheaply made doll they managed to get, or how cartoons are drawn with simple lines for lips. At least they didn't get into Communism there. :-)
Hell the only occult thing I see in this video was Hasbro's logo (as I like to call it, "The Siamese Twin Logo of Death").
Heh, I know a friend of mine who works in Japan who told me he watched Rainbow Brite himself. Funny I didn't, though I saw Jem, that was fare enough!
Funny they didn't scratch the surface of those 'Chinese cartoons' with their use of martial arts and other occultism/new age elements! Robotech alone might be thought of as a documented view of the End Times. Course if they had seen the uncut GoLion DVD's out now, they'd spontaneously combust!
God that was some video. I have mixed feelings over it now. I'm only glad this has came and went, but could you imagine the same kind of thing happening today with anime they might watch, which of course would seem too normal and common, and we'd be hearing about it over and over. In the end, we can only ignore it and call it a day. I'm only glad my folks were that crazy!
Again, thank you for the informative, if not esoterical presentation!
P.S. Again, those toys are probably worth big, yet they bothered buying them as visual aids here!
Before I posted this I googled The Eagle's Nest and came up with nothing. Maybe somebody out there knows what happened to Gary and Phil. I admit, I enjoy looking out the windows behind Phil and watching the cars go by and wondering where that show was being taped.
Where ever Gary and Phil are I'm sure they've moved on to such threats to our society as the intra-net and Harry Potter.
Still, one of the things about this video being 2 decades out of context is that it's become enjoyable as nostalgia. It's fun to see those clips and toy commercials and all the toys and cereal boxes in this 90 minute time capsule. And the wrong headed attempts by Gary and Phil to "expose" these things as some sort of threat becomes more comical. If we'd only listened to Gary and Phil maybe we wouldn't have Transformers The Motion Picture or the upcoming G.I. Joe movie.
Of course now every time I pick up a microphone or a toy I want to say, "SKELL-LA-TOR!"
Tohoscope said...
Before I posted this I googled The Eagle's Nest and came up with nothing. Maybe somebody out there knows what happened to Gary and Phil.
Who knows. I hadn't even heard of them before this.
I admit, I enjoy looking out the windows behind Phil and watching the cars go by and wondering where that show was being taped.
Heh, I didn't noticed that, of course I thought they were on some studio set and that was just a typical canvas backdrop outside the window.
Where ever Gary and Phil are I'm sure they've moved on to such threats to our society as the intra-net and Harry Potter.
And probably had.
Still, one of the things about this video being 2 decades out of context is that it's become enjoyable as nostalgia. It's fun to see those clips and toy commercials and all the toys and cereal boxes in this 90 minute time capsule.
The only redeeming thing I see here too. I'm only surprised they don't throw in the Wham-O Slip 'n Slide for good measure! Growing up, I only remember one type that was sold prior to the bells & whistles they would add on to that, but my mom didn't feel the need to buy one at all, and I was stuck with a cheap substitute she made out of plastic tarp and rocks to hold it down. My brother however hurt himself on that and that was it. Not a terribly childhood memory but one I like to share for those as a reminder they need to not resort to such homemade improvisations.
And the wrong headed attempts by Gary and Phil to "expose" these things as some sort of threat becomes more comical. If we'd only listened to Gary and Phil maybe we wouldn't have Transformers The Motion Picture or the upcoming G.I. Joe movie.
Of course now every time I pick up a microphone or a toy I want to say, "SKELL-LA-TOR!"
I'd probably say "The Masters of the Universe" for the same reason, or else reenact the opening monologue by He-Man since I just like saying that!
I remember my sis having a bunch of those My Little Ponies, as well as Barbie dolls since my family made her an avid collector of the Mattel product (I usually get her one for her birthday or xmas gift she'll always keep in the box, someday it might be worth something).
Wow. This is pretty silly. Martial arts are the work of the devil?
Oh, they screwed up She-Ra's call, too.
Wow. Eagle's Nest Ministries is still around.
I found it via a google search result:
Gary's pronunciation of Isis when talking about the Littles inspired this:
Damn! Good Google-fu!
Deception of A Generation is being torrented over at if anybody is interested.
Much of what was said in that video is true, and only after the person receives God in your life is going to realize the reality. I was a collector of toys of the 80s, and after my conversion I went to see this blight in many of the toys, especially with the series "He-man", "Sectaurs" and "She-ra." I sold many of the toys and some I destroy. Today collect "Transformers," "Robotech" and some other series. Of course, in all series is always a bad influence, or teaching wrong, there are more series that are completely dedicated to evil, and they are we should worry.
Deuteronomy 18:9-14
18:9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, you must not learn the abhorrent practices of those nations. 18:10 There must never be found among you anyone who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire,12 anyone who practices divination,13 an omen reader,14 a soothsayer,15 a sorcerer,16 18:11 one who casts spells,17 one who conjures up spirits,18 a practitioner of the occult,19 or a necromancer.20 18:12 Whoever does these things is abhorrent to the Lord and because of these detestable things21 the Lord your God is about to drive them out22 from before you. 18:13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God. 18:14 Those nations that you are about to dispossess listen to omen readers and diviners, but the Lord your God has not given you permission to do such things.
I watched a few of the cartoons depicted in the tape and I'm Catholic. Pretty funny how they left out the fact that Daphne (a main character in The 13 ghosts of Scooby-Doo, featured in the video) is a harlot!
Oh and I recently wrote about three featured cartoons on HubPages!
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